Sunday, 22 May 2011

Weaving in the bean fields

This week I managed to finish my first warp and Felicitas taught me the next pattern up. I took the sheep up the valley alond the river with Felicitas and her 3 year old. We ambled over rocky paths and settled by the water to harvest their broad bean crop. I could hear the wailing of the llamas and their bells ringing from the other side of the valley. On our side of the river the valley slowly curved upwards and was scattered with horses, boars, buffaloes, sheep grazing on the potato patches. Women were dotted about the animals keeping order, cooking potatoes and feeding their babies. We rested amongst the long grasses and wove until an old woman hobbled down to us with a bundle full of earth fired potatoes for lunch. The two women softly nattered to each other about husbands, gringos, weaving, children whilst the children rolled around with the stray dogs.